Slider with alias homereservation not found.

Kristina Stivens

I’m the reservation manager for the tables in our restaurants, call me and I will help you with the choice.
[email protected]

Order Phone

To reserve a table, call the specified phone number


E-mail Order

For booking a table by e-mail, write to us at

[email protected]

Reserve a table

    [time class="walcf7-timepicker" time-472 time-format:HH:mm placeholder "12:00"]

    Other Restaurants

    Take a peek above to get a sense of what the sampler is going to include. I’m including the recipe for Black Sesame Otsu in this post, down below. For those of you who liked the otsu recipe I included in my last book

    Manuella Restaurant

    London, Astron street 232A
    [email protected]

    Coffebar Restaurant

    London, Astron street 232A
    [email protected]

    Look at the updated menu

    We got exclusive dishes from our chef